Tuesday, April 15, 2008


You should be able to post comments now. I think you may need a google account or you can sign in as a guest, whichever you choose. Please give it a try. Comments will come through to be moderated before posting until I figure out how to be sure that the site is only visible to the members. So, still getting the kinks out. I'm sending out invitations to all the addresses Ron gave me.

If anyone knows of new members and their emails I will add them to the blog's member list. If you also know of someone who no longer belongs, please let me know and I can remove them as well.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Community Yard Sale is May 17th

Well things are only getting bigger and better this year. The community yard sale will happen again this year. But it will be in conjunction with a Parking Lot Yard Sale at Nine Mile Falls Elementary.

Saturday, May 17th
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
So this year you have two ways to participate. Help support NMFE by reserving a booth for a $10 fee and bring all your treasures to the parking lot
Or have a yard sale at your home and for $3 the NMFE PTG will do all the advertising. (balloons and a map with your address highlighted!)
If you are interested in participating in this fun community event, please contact Jennifer Clark 981-4517 or by email at rcjckc3@hotmail.com to reserve your booth space or to register your home address by MAY 2nd!
Registration forms can be downloaded from the school's website 9mile.org, go to the Nine Mile Elementary Link, then click on PTG news. You can also pick up more information from the school secretary at the NMFE school office.
Last year was a huge success and this year will only be bigger! Let's just hope the snow stops falling soon!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Welcome to SLPHA's Blog!

Welcome to the Spokane Lake Park Homeowner's Association Blog! Yup, that's a long name, so let's just call it SLPHA. It is still under construction, but the idea is to post information for the neighborhood so that it is easy for everyont to access. Email accounts seem to come and go...and not all of us have mailboxes (that would be us!) so keeping people up to date has been tough.

But this way you can post questions, thoughts, announcements, ideas, inspirations, and polite suggestions to your friends and neighbors. If you would like to email pictures, I can post them for you as well. I made an email account for SLPHA too. It's SLPHA@gmail.com. I did that so in case someone else takes things over someday, it would be easy to transfer the information to them.

As soon as I figure it out which screen to click, I will be making this blog private. So we can publish updates like...the combination to the park gate, free ice cream socials and maybe even who is out of town so we can have a neighborhood watch going.

So book mark this site and visit from time to time!