Friday, April 11, 2008

Welcome to SLPHA's Blog!

Welcome to the Spokane Lake Park Homeowner's Association Blog! Yup, that's a long name, so let's just call it SLPHA. It is still under construction, but the idea is to post information for the neighborhood so that it is easy for everyont to access. Email accounts seem to come and go...and not all of us have mailboxes (that would be us!) so keeping people up to date has been tough.

But this way you can post questions, thoughts, announcements, ideas, inspirations, and polite suggestions to your friends and neighbors. If you would like to email pictures, I can post them for you as well. I made an email account for SLPHA too. It's I did that so in case someone else takes things over someday, it would be easy to transfer the information to them.

As soon as I figure it out which screen to click, I will be making this blog private. So we can publish updates like...the combination to the park gate, free ice cream socials and maybe even who is out of town so we can have a neighborhood watch going.

So book mark this site and visit from time to time!